COVID-19 virus is stands for

CO = Corona
Vi = Virus
D= Disease
19= 2019

Corona virus Covid – 19, which is commonly called as (cocid-19) corona virus, is a very small but most harmful virus other world say that corona virus is most dangerous virus in history. It is very  harm the human respiratory system.

When and where COVID-19 OR Corona Virus found first  

Corona virus or Civid19 was first identify or found during December 2019 Wuhan city of china country. In March 2020, and the world health organization WHO declare the Covid outbreak a pandemic. It commonly spread between people to people during closed contact tell now no paper it spread between people during close contact. Now there is vaccines are amiable. Now we can say that proper vaccine has developed for the treatment of this disease and it is working properly.


Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by newly discovered virus coronavirus. It has having a badly impact on the global community; on economics and behaviors. This disease is spreading through the contact with person to person. Covid-19 was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan city of China country, which is in the south Asia. In March 2020, WHO ( World Health Organization) declared Covid-19 or (Corona Virus – 19 ) outbreak a pandemic virus is transmitted by airborne droplet infection and though contact with infected surface.

Most Common Symptoms of COVID – 19 (Corona virus) are as under

The common symptoms of Covid-19 (Corona virus) can be very mild to serve. In mild cases, symptoms are almost non - existent and the patient has absolutely no breathing difficulties. It most common symptoms are as under

  •  Fever
  • Dry cough
  •  Respiratory problem
  • Muscle pain
  • Loses of test and smell

Above are most commonly symptoms of COVID – 19 OR (Corona virus) .

 Measures protections against COBID – 19 (Corona virus)  

We can use some softly measures for the protection against the disease. We have to cover our nose and mouth with wearing mask while going outside. We should wash our hands or clean our hands on regularly with soap or sanitizer and water. We should also sanitize our hands frequently. We must be avoid to touching our nose , eyes and mouth. We should maintain a distance of at least 5 (Five) to 6 (Six) feet and avoiding to going in rush places, avoiding to parties or others word we say avoiding the gathering follow the instruction which are given from the government or frontline heroes (Doctors) shared with us.  .

Lockdown during COVID – 19 (Corona virus)

To stop the spreading the Covid – 19-corona virus the government declared lock down all around the country in Pakistan. Most of countries all around the world also declare the lockdown and close all route like Airlines, railways even inter city transportation also closed and instructions are given by the government that STAY at Home. During Lockdowns and curfew to contain, the spread of the virus affected the way children learn the way people earn. People did not have work because all economical, social and educational actives were closed for a long time. It has affected all section badly. People around the world are now facing the pandemic of Covid-19 we should come out at this situation and back to our regular work an normal life.

Common Symptoms of Covid-19

Commonly Fever, breath problem and cough of are some of the common symptoms of the Corona virus or COVID-19. There are:

Most common symptoms: fever, tiredness, dry cough. Less common symptoms: aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes

Serious symptoms: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or movement, Apart from this symptom lie fatigue, sare, throat; muscle pain loss of the smell   seen in corona virus patients.

Precautions and Prevention measurements of Covid-19 – Corona Virus:

  • Wash hands / clean your hands on regularly basis with soap or sanitizer.
  • Keep a distance of three (3) to four (4) feet form people
  • Must be Cover your nose and mouth during coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth if your hand are not clean.
  • Wearing mask
  • Stay home and follow the lockdown rules  


  • Someone instruction follow who has COVID-19, do must do the following:
  • First don’t create panic must be brave to fight with COVID-19
  • First of call your nearest health care center if you fell or found some symptoms of COVID- 19
  • Full cooperative with the team
  • Must be quarantine 14 days
  • Isolate yourself and keep distance between your family members
  • Your room must be well ventilated
  • Separate you all daily usage things like( clothes, glass or plates etc.)
  • Monitor yourself  
  • Immediately call your medical care   

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  1. COVID- 19 or Novel coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus named as COVID-19.
  2.   Distancing and hand hygiene. Keep follow the advice provided through your country local health authority of Pakistan
  3. COVID stands for (CO)rona Vi(rus) D(isease) 20(19)
  4. Most commonly, people who fall sick with corona virus or COVID-19 will involvement mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment.   
  5. The virus that caused COVID is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person cough, sneezed or exhales
  6. WHO The World Health Organization recognized the spread of Covid -19 as a pandemic on 11 march 2020.
  7. The common symptoms of this disease are fever, cough, and sore throat, loss of smell / taste, and headaches.
  8. We can protect others and ourselves around us by wearing a facemask, washing hands and keep distancing
  9. The Government of Pakistan has taken all steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
  10. Strong immunity helps in the fight against Covid-19. Doctor have recommended vitamin C Zinc and D3

It is very important to have positive mindset during any pandemic

Some important about Covid – 19 or Corona virus

It can be from cold to serious illnesses, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) Common, signs and symptoms are Fever, Cough, loss of taste smell and tiredness. Some other symptoms of coronavirus (COVID – 19) can also have, Shortness of breath or facing issue during the breathing, Muscle pains Sore throat, Runny nose, Headache on regular, Chest pain, change eye color pink (conjunctivitis). If you fell or if you find any symptoms like cough, cold and fever please do not go anywhere only stay at home. If you have fell  any symptoms of covid 19 like cough, fever, shortness of breath, then contact with your healthcare provider or local health department which is near .wearing  mask and Wash your hands or clean your hands with soap or sanitizer and warm water regularly basis. Cover your cough, sneeze with the tissue dispose the tissue, and wash your hand afterward. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Must be avoid with close contact with relative friends or other words say simple avoid with people who are special sick. Do regular yoga and daily exercise. Keep your distance around three feet’s with each other on the public or any other rush places. Avoid to going and rush places like, shopping malls, cinema hall, marriage , birth day parties and any other events where huge rush are expected ceriman. Stay at home for betterment of your health as well as others.

Current situation of Pakistan (Statistics) 

updated dated : 7 March 2021

Covid-19 Pakistan Statistics
Covid-19 Pakistan Statistics

World Statistics

Covid-19 World Statistics

Statistics a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters More (Definitions, Synonyms, Translation)

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